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Allen&Heath GL4800-832B 扩声调音台

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由GL 4800-832是一个很大的格式,多功能,英国LR,男,8组,10个辅助,11x4矩阵主机,甲,乙,丙,立体声道D选项的更多:

GL 4800-832A - all mono channels 吉尔4800 - 832A -所有单声道
GL 4800-832B - 4 stereo channels to right of masters 吉尔4800 - 832B - 4个立体声通道,以当家作主的权利
GL 4800-832C - 4 stereo channels on outside right 吉尔4800 - 832C -外右4个立体声通道
GL4 800-832D - 8 stereo channels on outside right GL4 800 - 832D -右外8路立体声通道
Based on the highly successful GL4000, the GL4800 is a real thoroughbred multi-function mixer, with a mass of features and detail that makes this mixer a joy for engineers to use.基于非常成功的GL4000,GL4800是一个真正的纯种多功能搅拌机,具有的功能和细节,使这个龙头,对工程质量要使用的喜悦。 This is a truly multi-functional console, offering features such as group output trims for recording, extended auxiliaries using matrix sends, multiple main outputs and trimmable direct outputs from channels.这是一个真正的多功能控制台,提供诸如记录的生产量装饰功能,扩展助剂使用矩阵发送,多渠道的主要产出和微调的直接输出。

The GL4800 is supremely adaptable to every application and is perfect for engineers in both live sound and recording. 该GL4800是超级适应每个应用软件,录音和完善的工程师都住。 Rental companies will appreciate a mixer which will work hard for its living, delivering exceptional audio performance every day of the week. 出租公司都明白一个混频器,其工作为生活而努力,提供卓越的音频性能,每周一天的。
Features 特点

• A,B,C,D mono/stereo channel options •甲,乙,丙,丁单声道/立体声通道的选择
• Multi-functionality for FOH/Monitor mixing and live recording •多的功能为文物之友/监视器混合和现场录音
• LR and M main mix •LR和m主混音
• 8 Audio groups with pan and routing to LR and M •8个组别的泛音频和路由到轻铁和M
• 11x4 Matrix •11x4矩阵
• 10 Auxiliary sends with faders, inserts and XLR •10个辅助发送与推子,插入和XLR
• Aux 10 can provide channel direct output pre/post and level trim •可提供10个辅助通道直接/输出前和职后修剪
• Group out pre/post switching and level trim for recording •组进行前/后切换和层次修剪记录
• Per channel pre/post fader aux switching for unlimited flexibility •每通道前/推子后辅助开关无限的灵活性
• Second LR2 output with pre/post fader selection and level trim •第二,前/推子后输出的选择和水平LR2拥有修剪
• Output reverse mode to swap aux inserts and XLR with matrix and LR2 •输出反向交换辅助插入和XLR与基体和LR2拥有
• 2-track replay to LR and monitor •2 - LR和重放,以跟踪监测
• Stereo channel line inputs can be assigned independently to LR •立体声线路输入通道可以独立地分配土地注册处
• 4 band, 4 sweep EQ with switched Q on midrange •4个波段,4扫情商与开启中端Q
• Swept 20-400Hz high pass filters •扫频20 - 400Hz的高通滤波器
• Matrix to aux link for quick monitors and grouped effects •矩阵显示器和辅助快速分组效应链接
• 128 snapshot memory mute automation with preview and safes functions •128内存快照自动化与静音功能预览和保险柜
• 8 Mute groups or scenes •8静音团体或场景
• Solo-in-Place with toggle last and safes •单独就地切换与去年和保险柜
• Single press clear or set all mutes function •单按清除或设置所有静音功能
• Mutes on all fader masters •静音大师所有推子
• Meters on all buses to prevent mix overload •在所有巴士米,防止超载组合
• Simultaneous metering of the groups, LRM and auxes •同时计量的群体,LRM模块和辅助发送
• Integral LED-illuminated moving coil VU meterpod •积分的LED照明动圈式维旺迪环球meterpod
• Simultaneous LED bar and VU monitor metering •同时LED光柱和VU计量监督
• Mono/stereo PFL with trim •单声道/立体声形成线与修剪
• PFL override AFL for logical input/output monitoring •逻辑输入脉冲形成线覆盖劳联/输出监控
• Engineers wedge fader control in monitor mode •工程师楔形监察推子控制模式
• Separate headphones and local outputs •独立的耳机输出和地方
• Talkback to LR, M, groups, matrix, and to each aux •对讲到轻铁,男,团体,矩阵,以及各辅助
• Electronically balanced XLR outputs with +27dBu drive capability •电子与+27 dBu的平衡XLR输出驱动能力
• Preamp +34dBu maximum input capability for mic or line •前置+34 dBu的最大输入能力为麦克风或线路
• Ultra low noise mix head amp design •超低噪声放大器设计混合头
• Balanced inserts with separate send and return sockets •平衡插入单独的发送和返回的套接字
• 100mm, premium grade dual rail faders •100毫米,特级双轨推杆
• Metal jacks, gold-plated XLRs, sealed pots and switches •金属插口,镀金XLRs,密封罐和开关
• Individual circuit card assembly with nutted pots •个人电路可固定盆卡装配
• Built-in combiner for redundant backup power supply •内置合成器,用于冗余备份电源
• Sys-Link V2 console input linking option •Sys - Link的V2的控制台输入连接选项

The GL4800 ships with mains leads, dust cover, user guide, A&H stickers与电源的GL4800船的线索,防尘盖,用户指南,及H贴纸

 艾伦-希思GL4800M - 840 40帧- GL4800全功能的多功能现场扩声调音台

Choose option above: A,B,C,D mono/stereo channel options 选择上面的选项:甲,乙,丙,丁单声道/立体声通道产品
A = All mono channels (Price is as shown) A=所有单声道(价格是如图所示)
B = 4 stereo channels to right of masters  B=4立体声当家作主权利的渠道,
C = 4 stereo channels on far right hand side C = 4立体声渠道,远右边
D = 8 stereo channel on far right hand side D = 8声道立体声就远远右边
Allen&Heath GL4800-832B 扩声调音台
Allen&Heath GL4800-832B 扩声调音台


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